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Resilient Walker Book by Dr. Shree Walker

Author/Educator/Motivational Speaker

I've walked this path of silent tears for too long, and now my life is a story of overcoming, growing resilient, losing my voicelessness, and speaking out. We are free to heal ourselves. We are free to heal others.


You Are Free To Heal

I have walked this path of silent tears for too long, and now, my life is a story of overcoming, growing resilient, losing my voicelessness, and speaking out. The hard part was not escaping the poverty, the projects, or the violence. The hard part was facing the past, the pain, the fear. Everyone, abuse victim or not, has a wound to heal, whether internally or in a loved one. Join me in learning how to move from broken to resilient. We are free to heal ourselves. We are free to heal others.

Audiobook Now Available

Narrated by Dr. Shree Walker

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The Resilient Walker Resiliency Guide

A companion study to the Resilient Walker memoir


This Resiliency Guide will help you develop resiliency for current hardships and to promote recovery from previous trauma. Once you complete this Resiliency Guide, you will be fully equipped with several useful tools to help you overcome your past pain, build new relationships, repair broken relationships and develop resilience and persistence through your core beliefs. It will be worth the walk. 

Educators need the courage to make their voices heard and the boldness to earnestly engage with the opinions of people they don’t necessarily agree with or even like. Whether it’s changing our beliefs, changing the way we communicate, or changing the way we make decisions, Dr. Shree Walker knows the challenges and fears educators face. Educate Me! is Dr. Walker’s guide for educators who want to make change and find the belief necessary to overcome the inevitable pitfalls ahead when they do.

Trees, Dreams, Balloons & Things

Come along for the ride with Re and her gang of three. Draw on the good voices, connect the dots between you and Re, and color yourself onto the pages of this voyage from childhood to maturity. Your story awaits!


Secret Keeper

“Abuse distorts our vision; it keeps us from seeing clearly. Once we begin to deal with it, we start to see ourselves. Then we have two people to forgive: our abuser for their abuse and ourselves for not knowing what to do. I’ve been abused. I’ve abused others. After all these years, I’m still forgiving both.”

-Dr. Shree Walker, Secret Keeper




“This book caused to me to look in the mirror and examine the person who returned my glares. I had to put the book down on several occasions because maybe things hit closer to home than I intended or maybe my heart just wasn’t ready to empathize with the trauma and the resulted healing. This piece serves as a reminder that the race is never complete. We are all in a constant state of repair and rejuvenation.”

-Robyn Dismukes, Book Review


“I cussed, I yelled, I almost threw the book; I rejoiced. I had a full bag of emotions during this read and stayed up until 4:30am to finish it with one hand clutching my dog and the other clutching myself. A lot of times when I’m reading books I have to skip ahead to the end to make sure everything’s going to be okay then come back to the conflicts in the middle. With Shree’s story, we are reminded along the way that it is going to be okay, so even when deep into the abuse, we know restoration is coming if we keep pushing through with her to the end. The writing style invites you into the innermost depths of her life in an intimate way. A book of facts from her life somehow reads like poetry, weaving her life together like a frayed satin ribbon.”

-Rob C., Book Review

“I read your book. Amazing life that you have experienced to date. Provides an eye-opening perspective to spoiled folks like me. And well written, including the walking-variations thematic organization. The only part that didn't resonate with me, but it's just a matter of personal experience and values, is the religious aspect. Although it's obvious that you have an understandable and admirable spirituality, and that Christianity has been your, pardon the expression, saving grace, I have seen too many dark sides of religiosity to share that solution. In any event, it's a good book, which I've given to a member of our special ed faculty whom I thought would appreciate its content and writing, and you are a shining example of resiliency and the human spirit.”


“Congratulations on writing such an amazing book, but more importantly your courage is unreal. For you to open yourself up like this truly speaks to your evolution and recovery, and although I do not know you that well, I am so proud of you. I know you are telling the truth, but I also believe every word you wrote. What I mean is, I believe you like I’ve known you all my life, like I was there or had knowledge of many of your stories. I recognize that so many children are living your abuse and life every day. Many of my students are living your abuse and life, and your writing brings it to life for all readers. It is simply fantastic. From the awesome title to the outstanding words you use to move your reader. Finally, this book blessed my life. It shows me that there is redemption and happiness after so much abuse and pain. Although I’m sorry that you endured all that, I am overly excited that you allowed God to change your life.”


This is a powerful memoir. Knowing Dr. Walker personally since middle school, I am amazed at what was going on in her personal life that I didn’t know about when she was going through it. I’ve nothing but admiration knowing all that she overcame. She is a powerful reminder of what resilience looks like… it’s not linear and it is not pretty. Her raw honesty captures the reader’s attention immediately.
— Yolanda

“I finished reading your book several weeks ago and since then I have been thinking. I did what I seldom do which is pause and listen to myself.  I listened to the part of me who has the audacity to dream big. I silenced the voices that constantly ask me why I think I deserve the life I dream about. I simply answered, we all do. Resilient Walker is moving, instructive, and validating. It is moving in that it allowed me to cry with little girl Shree and root for her at the same time. It is instructive in that it demonstrates how we can move forward even when we think we don’t know how. It is validating in that it confirms that human beings are capable of prevailing even while in the midst of a storm.”

-Dr. Celeste Williams, Tennessee State University


“So I am on page 155 of Resilient Walker, but I did not want to let another day go by that I don't acknowledge this work of... of... brilliance, pain, truth, truth, truth.... and tell you I suspect God stopped me at that table so I would read this book. More later...I won't presume to say anything else until I have finished each and every page. Thank you...with so much love ( in New Jersey we have to say everything two times) or at least I do when I really really mean something.”


“I started reading your book and it is almost too potent to read more than two or three pages at a time. I am reading a little at a time because there is a lot of food for thought. I want to take the time to process the information and convert what I have read into the materials needed for me to continue on my life’s journey.”



“The night you shared your truth to my college students, I was overwhelmed by the reflections they all poured out of hope from you sharing out. One student wrote, “My husband left me two weeks ago, and this is my first time out of the house since he left. I didn’t want to be bothered or confronted with the frustrations of school, but I pushed and I am glad because Dr. Walker has given me the hope I have been searching.” She continued to express how she would take your story and take the first steps to recovery for her loss.”

-Melika Jones, Professor Nashville State College


“You have an amazing yet heart wrenching story that needs to be told. I don’t pretend to know since I haven’t lived your life nor have I lived in a place like South LA, but I have to believe that your story could be told by thousands if not millions of inner city kids across the country. That’s why my focus is on out of classroom initiatives because only 25% of a student’s time is spent in the classroom. If we don’t address the issues that kids like you faced, then no matter how well we design the curriculum or how much we pay the teachers or how good our administration is, we will fail the student.”
